Get the official Omarama waypoint file from the Gliding New Zealand website.
This file is updated at least once a year so make sure you have the latest one and do
not use a file from any other source as these are not updated so frequently. Note the
disclaimers on the GNZ website. |
I maintain my own collection of additional waypoints which I find useful.
The file consists of landing places, mountain passes and mountain tops followed by the NZ VFR reporting
points (from the GNZ website.)
But BE WARNED - most of the airstrips in my file have
not been verified by actually landing there. Some of the landing places are not airstrips
at all, but simply the place likely to do the least amount of damage to your glider and yourself, should
you have to land in the vicinity (e.g. L911 Arawhata River Bed!) Read the comments in the file
and do your own research. |
Google Earth waypoint files can be generated from .cup waypoint files using my
CUP to KMZ Converter. You can also download this one
(generated 17 Oct 19 from current GNZ file.)